Review - Speech Therapy for Apraxia - CV

** Features **
• Choose from 8 different consonant groups (for a total of 19 consonant sounds) to target.
• For each group, choose from 8 levels to practice
• Detailed instructions explain how to choose an appropriate consonant group and practice level.
• Move through a logical progression of 8 different levels for motor planning for speech.
• Illustrations and audio provided for each syllable.
• Option to repeat levels, reset, or move to next level.
• Can also be used for straight articulation drill for particular phonemes.
This app was reviewed to
determine its value for the preschool child exhibiting phonological processes,
apraxia or articulation concerns. I was
impressed with how well this app was organized and its ease of use. It also held the child’s interest. You cannot
beat the price at $4.99. This app is
especially beneficial for probing
stimulability of sequencing consonant-vowel sounds, using as a screening tool and proving one of the best organized oral
motor warm-up in a hierarchy of levels. This app mainly focuses on static CV patterns
(can’t be changed) and gives the student practice with up to 5 co-articulatory
sequences, e.g. alveolar - toe dye two toe two, but there is no flexibility in
adding or deleting CV combinations. What
you see is what you get. Overall, it is still a valuable tool for the Speech Toolbox and highly recommended. See rubrics below:
Material is accurate & evidence based,
addresses task, offers large selection target
CV – select group of 3 consonants organized
according to place of articulation and ease of production, e.g. bilabials
Organized format for learning 8 levels of CV
combinations for motor sequencing.
Can tap on a word to hear what the word is
This app works for preschoolers with
phonological processes, apraxia, artic.
1.I would like to see a level with an
alternating vowel component, e.g. oohahh
2. I would like to see the use of more functional
CV patterns strung together
Flexibility to adjust settings &
add/delete photos, add/delete tasks,
audio recordings, back button
1.Easy to move from one screen to the next.
2.Can quickly change from one group of
sounds or level to another. Easy to do
a quick probe for stimulability and to establish a baseline at each level.
patterns are pre -chosen for each level and arranged in a specific order on
the screen. I would like to see an
update which reduces the redundancy and limitation of levels. I would like to be able to create my own
pattern with the ability to select CV
patterns from a list and move them into
the designated boxes.
Ease of use
Can use app quickly, instructions from
developer, no glitches
Love the simplicity of this app – it’s self-
explanatory . This app is very easy to use and does not require
instructions. A preschooler was able
to tap the pictures and swipe independently.
She knew to repeat the word when heard.
Watched the video on how to use app & written instructions,
but was not really necessary. Did not learn anything new.
Captures attention of user, simple graphics,
This app is strictly for imitation drill, as
the preschooler liked tapping & swiping the buttons, hearing and imitating the syllables. There are no bells &
whistles. Perfect for a warm up
Would like to see a voice recording for the
Accountability- time needed to complete
task, # trials, results in improved student performance- record data –
progress monitoring
Accountability and data for progress monitoring of CV. Repetitive co-articulation of up to 5 varied
CV patterns. Price of $4.99 is
reasonable. You get numerous trials.
keeping needs to be completed on paper by user
Developed by the National Association for Child Development team, including a
certified speech-language pathologist, the Apraxia app provides choices of
different phonemes to target and moves through a progression of levels that
challenge motor planning for speech.
Working at the syllable level, it begins at the production of single syllables
and progresses through increasingly difficult production sequences all the way
to the production of sequences of random syllables.
About NACD
The National Association for Child Development is a unique organization with a unique approach to brain growth and development. Founded in 1979 by Bob Doman, NACD has helped parents enhance the development and function of their children for over 30 years. In its work with tens of thousands of clients, NACD has developed an approach to human development, the achievement of human potential, and the remediation of developmental, educational, and neurological problems that is based upon the gestalt of the individual. The efficacy of NACD's Targeted Developmental Intervention has been demonstrated with individuals from infant to geriatric, whose function has ranged from comatose to gifted. It is from this background and experience that the NACD team of neurodevelopmentalists and therapists, including speech/language pathologists, has created the NACD Home Speech Therapist line of speech apps.
About NACD
The National Association for Child Development is a unique organization with a unique approach to brain growth and development. Founded in 1979 by Bob Doman, NACD has helped parents enhance the development and function of their children for over 30 years. In its work with tens of thousands of clients, NACD has developed an approach to human development, the achievement of human potential, and the remediation of developmental, educational, and neurological problems that is based upon the gestalt of the individual. The efficacy of NACD's Targeted Developmental Intervention has been demonstrated with individuals from infant to geriatric, whose function has ranged from comatose to gifted. It is from this background and experience that the NACD team of neurodevelopmentalists and therapists, including speech/language pathologists, has created the NACD Home Speech Therapist line of speech apps.
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